Teacher Preparation


The strongest school visits start with classroom preparation.

1) Please have a copy of each book if possible; Wild About Bears, My Cat, Coon Cat, Little Maine, L is for Lobster: A Maine Alphabet, Fishing for Numbers: A Maine Number Book, M is for Mayflower: A Massachusetts Alphabet, One if by Land: A Massachusetts Number Book, and P is for Passport: A World Alphabet available to the classroom or school library prior to my visit.

2) Familiarize the students with at least one or more of the books listed. Discuss what it means to be an author and an illustrator. Brainstorm interesting questions to ask me on the day of the visit. It can be useful to write these down and bring it along to the presentation.

This all helps build the students excitement and interest and makes connections, for the day I visit!

3) Please have the classroom teacher attend the presentation.

Thank you for helping make my visit a great success!